Check your code using Checkov

Everton Araújo
2 min readJan 3, 2023


We will fix a dockerfile via checkov

Checkov Logo

In the previous post I made an Nginx container using Docker, Terraform and Checkov and now we will show the details of how to solve the vulnerabilities of a simple file.

Post :

Dockerfile Example

FROM nginx:latest
COPY index.html /usr/share/nginx/html

The command to check : checkov -d your path directory your code or not know in mac and linux type: pwd and Windows : echo %cd% .

First check

Do not use images of any product being: unstable, latest may contain vulnerabilities. Use stable images or with versions 2.9, 5.0 and etc.

Second Check

Place a healthcheck to help test your images via checkov used as a good practice.

Third Check

For security reasons put a user in a symbolic way, to avoid using escalated privilege and use a root account.

Fourth Check

Containers must run as a non-root user. It’s good practice to run the container as a non-root user whenever possible. This can be done via the USER directive in the Dockerfile. Let’s prevent our images from using root.

I’ll make the corrections and run the docker build file again:

docker build -t Nginx .

Then run the checkov.

It's done



Everton Araújo
Everton Araújo

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