Create diagram using Terraform and Graphviz
Here are the basic steps to create a diagram of your infrastructure using Graphviz and Terraform:
Install Graphviz: If you don’t already have it installed, you can get it from and follow the installation instructions for your operating system.
Generate a DOT file: DOT is a graph description language used by Graphviz. You can generate a DOT file with the dependencies of your Terraform infrastructure using the terraform graph command. For example:
terraform graph >
This will create a file called containing the DOT representation of Terraform resource dependencies.
Convert DOT file to a graph: Use Graphviz to convert the DOT file to a graph. You can do this using the following command:
dot -Tpng -o terraform.png
This will create a PNG file called terraform.png that represents the graphic of your infrastructure.
View the chart: Open the terraform.png file in an image viewer or web browser to view the diagram of your Terraform infrastructure.