How to connect Apple AirPods to Linux (Debian/Ubuntu/Mint)
It was catching on here in Ubuntu, I decided to share it with everyone who has airpods. I am a Macintosh user. But at work I can only use Ubuntu.
Open your terminal.
In the root directory run the command:
sudo nano /etc/bluetooth/main.conf
The terminal will ask you to input your password. Please type it :)
After that a file with configurations will be opened in a terminal window.
Find the next line:
#ControllerMode = dual
Change “dual” to “bredr”. The final code must be:
ControllerMode = bredr
To save changes and exit nano editor do the following:
- On your keyboard press:
Ctrl + x
- On the bottom of nano editor you will see a qustion:
“Save modified buffer?”
- Press on your keyboard: y
- Press on your keyboard: Enter
After these steps you will come back to regular terminal window on the same directory as before.
Run the next command in a terminal:
sudo /etc/init.d/bluetooth restart
After that you will see the message:
“Restarting bluetooth (via systemctl): bluetooth.service.”
Go to your computer settings and enable Bluetooth so it starts to look for bluetooth connections
The next actions should be performed exactly as described:
- Put your airpods (both) inside the case
- Keep the cover opened
- With cover opened and airpods inside the case press and hold the button on the back of the airpods case.
- Hold the button until you see the light blinking on the front side of the case, it can also make a sound signaling that it is in pairing mode
Finaly, after all these steps you should find your AirPods on Bluetooth settings section and connect it ;)